Monday, November 26, 2007

It's been a while... what's new with you?

Wow it has been a while since I last posted a blog. Not a lot has happened... Thanksgiving came and went... lots of yummy food and time with family; lots of naps or at least trying to take naps; dogs continuing to dig out of the yard; spending time with Tim and Copper... who peed on my feet, so not cool little dude(!); setting up my Christmas tree and wrapping presents... I think I am almost done shopping(!), I found a wine that I actually really like (Thank you Tim) it is called Evolution it is really good and well just trying to relax and enjoy myself in general. Yup that is a quick recap of my last week... nothing too exciting is that sad? Probably just a little. I think the most exciting part of my time off was getting peed on by a dog... made me see how quick my reflexes could be I guess... but still gross! And I had just been really nice to him and feed him pizza, guess I should have not finished the last bite. Oh and I drew on my jeans Sunday and guess what... I have black sharpie marker all over my thighs! Lol, guess the jeans were a little on the thin side.

Ok... I have an irrational fear of birds. I know, birds are tiny, birds are cute, birds can fly, birds can't hurt you.... who cares it is a phobia and I am afraid of them! Little or big, cute or scary it makes no difference! They all creep me out. If I am driving and a huge flock of birds fly overhead I seriously get freaked out and have this reflex to close my eyes, not the best reflex to have while driving. I don't remember having this fear until I was in well probably middle school. No one in the family remembers me being attacked by a bird or any reason why I should be afraid of them. The only thing I can attribute it to is one time at a vacation bible school I was helping this gal show these animals off to the little kids. I had a little bird that I was supposed to show off. Well the little bird decided to try to fly off of my finger... the only problem is the bird had clipped wings and so it slammed on the ground. All of a sudden I had like 10 people yelling at me for dropping this bird. Maybe somewhere in my subconscious my brain associates birds with loud noises and hateful words... who knows... all I know is now they freak me out! Everyone laughs at me for this irrational fear but I want to show you all what I see when I bird is near me.... maybe you won't laugh anymore! See they are scary little buggers! They will "eat you me!" (This is what I said the first time I saw a horse)

Tonight I get to drive about an hour away from home to do a presentation over the FAFSA! Yippy! To make matters worse - yes that's right worse than an hour long presentation over a government form - the government has not yet sent me next year's forms! So these poor parents will get to try to follow my presentation without a handout, how awful is that? Oh well I guess it gets me out of the house and out of the city. Not that I am sure my car can handle it... yesterday the RPMs geared up to like level 8 and then my car slammed really hard. It seriously felt like I had been rear-ended by someone. So I call my handy dandy car guy, again thank you Tim, and he delivers these scary words... "You know your little car has about had it right?" No-no-no I can't afford another car... besides I like my little go-cart. Oh well... maybe some miracle will happen and all of it's little quirks will go away. Well miracles do happen right?

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